We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. Stock is not the way to go folks!
We’ll always encourage our clients to share real photographs of themselves because guess what? People can spot the stock a mile off!
So, if you are wanting to capture more of your team for your content, you’re in luck friends - today’s blog has been written in collaboration with our brand photographer pal Anna, who is full of nifty tips to get you going.
Lets get in to it👇🏼
1. Become the biggest cheerleader ever
If you are the dedicated photographer of your team, it’s time to unleash your inner hype-person! Your job is to help your coworkers relax and ideally have a laugh. This might surprise but I’d say this is almost more important than the technical side of taking the photo. Build them up, tell them they’re doing fantastic, maybe tell your best dad joke?! Anything that gets them laughing and loosens them up for the shoot.
2. Take more photos than you think you need
For beginner photographers, it’s better to experiment and take multiple photos of each setup while you find your feet! Sometimes things look fine on the screen of a phone or camera, only for you to get them on a laptop and discover somebody was blinking or not looking in the right direction. Instead, avoid the heartache by capturing plenty of options and don't be afraid to experiment in the moment!
3. Tidy, tidy, tidy!
Nope, we’re not nagging at you, we’re saving you from hours of learning Photoshop!
A space might look fine to the human eye, but loose wires, dirty mugs, and messy desks can really ruin a photo. Before you shoot anything, have a tidy session: clear up desks, windowsills, and floors, and look out for stains or things needing a quick wipe. You’ll thank us later we promise!
4. Find the best light in the office
The “photo” bit of “photography” means light! So do your best to find the best light in your workspace. You might need your subject to be near a window to get the most professional result. If you can, we recommend turning off overhead lights – these can make your image look very orange and create unflattering shadows. If regular DIY shoots are a thing and you struggle with good light, you can find some affordable and effective photography lights available for purchase online.
5. Try some tricks to help you relax on camera
If you are having your photo taken, don't worry about being nervous! The vast majority of people feel some kind of nerves when having their photo taken so you are not alone. Focus less on what you look like and instead make sure you feel comfortable. You can release nerves by shaking off your hands and feet, spinning in a circle, or squeezing your shoulders to your ears for 10 seconds. These will all help you look more relaxed!
6. Experiment with your angles
If you've ever seen a professional photographer in action, you may have noticed their lunge and squat tekkers. This is all to help them find the best angles, and the only way to get used to this is by experimenting! Move around your subject to make sure you've found the best spot, and try shooting from above, face-on, then from below if you are struggling to make a shot work.
Ready to take these tips into your next DIY photoshoot? Give them a go and let us know how you get on 👍🏼😊
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