Key questions to ask when considering social media as a marketing tool

The world of social media makes a lot of people feel like this guy 👉🏼 🤯
Where do we start? What should we say? When should we post? How should our content look? There are A LOT of questions...
When considering using social media as a marketing channel for your business, it can feel like there is a lot to work out. The best thing to do is take a step back and ask yourself the following questions.
❓Which social media platforms will our target audience spend their time on?
❓What is our mission & vision as a business and how will social media help with that?
❓What do we want to be known for? How do we want to be perceived in the market?
❓When is our target audience likely to spend time on social media?
❓How can we incorporate our branding into our social media content?
❓What is the objective of using social media as a marketing tool for our business? FYI - the answer to this one should NOT be, "because our competition use it." 🙈
By asking the above questions, not only are you taking time to think before making a decision, you will gain clarity on the following things:
- Which platforms to use
- The kind of messaging you should be putting out on your platforms
- When would be the best time to post
- How to make your content recognisable
- WHY you want to use social media as a channel for marketing your products or services
It night seem like a lengthy process for the sake of your "social media posts" but that's exactly the point. Your presence on social media needs to have purpose, it needs to have a WHY behind it, it needs to be serving an objective.
If you are still feeling a little frazzled. Here are some typical examples of social media marketing objectives👇🏼
- To grow your online audience
- To educate people
- To generate new sales enquiries
- To build a community around your brand
- To build credibility around your brand
So, if you are thinking of introducing social media into your marketing strategy but you are concerned about jumping in with no plan, the best thing to do is start with the above questions, and gain some clarity on what you want to achieve.
Then all that's left is to go forth, create amazing content and start smashing it on your social media platforms 💥🤘🏼
Oh, and one final golden nugget of advice before we wrap up - be authentic to your business. don't concentrate too heavily on what others are doing, focus on what you want to be doing.
Any questions or thoughts on this, feel free to let us know 👍🏼